Muslim Pharmacy Foundation
How it Works
Start by signing up and providing details about your fundraiser, including a logo, legal documents, and bank account information. Once approved, share your fundraiser link via text, email, social media, or posters to reach your goals. Create appeals with detailed information and share them widely to maximize donations. Our team will process donation transfers to your bank account regularly, with options for immediate transfers if needed.
Sign Up as Fundraiser
Register your details and start fundraising journey.
Share Your Profile
Distribute your fundraiser link to gain community support.
Appeals & Donations
Create appeals and share them to collect donations.
Bank Transfers
Our team processes donation transfers to your bank account regularly.
Sign Up as a Fundraiser
Sign Up as a Fundraiser
To start fundraising, you need to provide some key details about your campaign.
- Fundraiser Details: Specify who or what you’re raising funds for or provide a mission statement.
- Logo: Upload a logo image representing your fundraiser (individual or non-profit organization).
- Legal Information: Include legal documents like EIN, proof of 501(c)(3) status, and articles of incorporation (if applicable).
- Bank Account Details: Provide the account details for transferring donations.
Note: Your dashboard access will be limited until your NGO or fundraiser account is approved after reviewing your details.
Share Your Fundraiser Link
Share Your Fundraiser Link
Your fundraiser link will be publicly available on the Muslim Pharmacy Foundation website. To gain support, you can:
- Share the link with your community via text messages and emails.
- Continue sharing the link to reach your fundraising goals. Consider posting on social media, using a printable poster, or writing a letter to people you know.
Create Appeals and Collect Donations
Create Appeals and Collect Donations
To maximize donations, create compelling appeals and share them widely.
- Create an Appeal: Include a title, closing date, goal amount, tags (categories), content explaining the impact, and media images for the catalog.
- Share Your Appeal: Post your appeal's URL on social media and share it with your community.
Bank Transfers
Bank Transfers
Our team will process transfers to your provided bank account on a fortnightly or monthly basis, depending on the threshold reached. For immediate donation transfers, contact us at